Letters to dear Body: Notice our Body

Letters to dear Body: Notice our BodyReminders are our friends.Reminders keep our practice functional, supporting our mental health,physical health, nurturing our presence.

Dear Son helped me out with doing fresh reminders for the entire apartment.


We decided to start by drinking a jug of detox water, writing letters to our body,reminders for our body,inviting our presence to settle,watch and be with our body.

The first reminder is Breathe and Smile.We are enough,we have been told.We are not enough we have been retold many a times.

This reminder is to say nothing at all,just notice the body, breathing body,the smiling body,the tiring body,the painful body, welcoming the body in whichever way dear body is.

This reminder is an invite to be with our bodies,to begin our journey,our rest, experiencing our love,our sadness ,our stories held in the body.

Let’s start by being with the Body-our friend, companion and bearer.

Noticing the body without stories, feelings,doses of compassion for there will be time for all that but first where is my body,how is my body and let me notice you dear body.

You can notice the small changes you didn’t see for years,you can experience your pain, sensations, cold or warm,you can feel fullness of your presence and let it be as it is.